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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2017-1080

Separarea compuşilor organici prin tehnici membranare

Ghica, Ioana

Abstract: University POLITEHNICA from Bucharest FACULTY OF APPLIEDCHEMISTRY AND MATEERIALS SCIENCE ORAGANIC COMPOUNDS SEPARATION THROUGH MEMBRANE TECHNIQUES SCIENTIFIC SUPERVISOR: Prof. Dr.Eng. Gheorghe Nechifor PhD. STUDENT: Chim.Ioana Ghica (Diaconu) The transport of different chemical species through liquid membranes represents a viable method for various applications in analytical or technological field, being oriented towards new solutions for the separation problems in chemical industry, in the treatment of waste water, in biology. The membrane separation processes are frequently used in biochemical processing, gas separation, pharmaceutical applications. The present thesis has as main purpose organic compounds separation through membrane techniques. In order to reach this main purpose it was realized the study of biphasic systems was realized in order to know the processes that take place at the interface feed source│membrane, the study of phenolic compounds transport through bulk liquid membrane in order to determine the operating parameters and to optimize the transport, the kinetic parameters that can characterize the phenolic compounds transport through bulk liquid membrane using a kinetic model and the facilitated transport of phenolic derivatives, that have low efficiencies at pH gradient transport. The study was realized on various compounds with phenolic structure starting with phenol, continuing with phenolic derivatives, cresols, chlorophenol, chlormetilphenol, p-aminophenol, acetaminophen, codeine phosphate. Thus it was realized the membrane transport processes for the separation/concentration of some phenolic derivatives, namely: separation of p-aminophenol from p-nitrophenol, separation of p-nitrophenol from 2, 4-dinitrophenol, separation of some active compounds from pharmaceuticals, utilization of liquid membranes in concentration processes, recuperation of useful products from waste waters.

Keyword(s): Membrane lichide -- Teză de doctorat ; Membrane -- Procese chimice -- Teză de doctorat ; Separare (Proces fizico-chimic) -- Teză de doctorat ; Compuşi organici -- Separare (Proces fizico-chimic) -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2017-03-10, last modified 2017-03-10

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