UPB-CTTIP Romdoc 1 notices trouvées  La recherche a duré 0.00 secondes. 

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1. IIIN RECORD BODYCercetări privind comportarea materialelor compozite cu fibre utilizate pentru produse şi echipamente industriale în concepţie eco-tehnologică i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Colţ, Marilena; 2011-09-06.
RESEARCH ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF FIBER COMPOSITE MATERIALS USED FOR PRODUCTS AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT IN ECO-TECHNOLOGY DESIGN The aim of this study is to study the behaviour of fiber composite materials in machining and tensile and bearing behaviour of carbon/epoxy hybrid joints (bolted and bonded) based on experimental and analytical study; also to estabilish some eco-technology indice regarding their reciclebility. [...]
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