UPB-CTTIP Romdoc 47 notices trouvées  précédent8 - 17suivantfin  aller vers la notice: La recherche a duré 0.00 secondes. 
8. IIIN RECORD BODYDiff-Anonym algorithm to provide privacy for patients’ location based services based on big data cloud i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Al-Tameemi, Imad Ali Hassoon; 2019-11-04.
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9. IIIN RECORD BODYIntegrated decision making environment i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Manolache, Manuel Adelin; 2019-11-04.
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10. IIIN RECORD BODYContributions to the design of an intelligent support system for disease prevention and health promotion i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Rentea, Victor ; 2013-12-04.
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11. IIIN RECORD BODYPrivacy of cloud computing i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / al Bazooni, Anwer Chitheer Jasim; 2019-12-04.
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12. IIIN RECORD BODYContribuţii la asigurarea securităţii sistemelor informatice în mediul online i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Petrică, Gabriel-Marius; 2018-12-04.
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13. IIIN RECORD BODYConcepţia şi implementarea sistemului informatic al managementului financiar într-o universitate tehnică i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Adamescu, Dorina; 2013-09-16.
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14. IIIN RECORD BODYTehnici de protecţie a datelor folosind sisteme haotice i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Tătaru, Relu-Laurenţiu ; 2018-01-16.
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15. IIIN RECORD BODYImpact of security on communication networks performance quantum key distribution i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Boicescu, Laurenţiu ; 2014-01-16.
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16. IIIN RECORD BODYModelarea întreprinderii industriale în mediul e-business i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Mitrea, Dan Alexandru ; 2017-01-16.
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17. IIIN RECORD BODYEvaluating electronic information-sharing success at the local level extending the DeLone and McLean information systems success model i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / al-Shaher, Mohamed Adel ; 2017-01-18.
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UPB-CTTIP Romdoc : 47 notices trouvées   précédent8 - 17suivantfin  aller vers la notice: