UPB-CTTIP Romdoc 3 notices trouvées  La recherche a duré 0.00 secondes. 
1. IIIN RECORD BODYCercetări privind obţinerea de folii compozite şi corpuri cave cu potenţiale utilizări ca ambalaje în industria alimentară şi de medicamente i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Teodorescu, Daniela; 2015-11-04.
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2. IIIN RECORD BODYInteracţii chimice între alimente şi aditivi alimentari şi/sau materialele de ambalare i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Enache, Andreea Ioana; 2014-01-16.
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3. IIIN RECORD BODYTheoretical and experimental aspects of mass transfer through biobased packaging materials i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Dragne, Loredana-Mihaela; 2011-09-06.
ABSTRACT The purpose of the research is to obtain biobased materials or biodegradable composites based on polymers derived from renewable sources which may fulfil the requirements of antimicrobial food packaging materials. [...]
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