Notes on Bibliographic Fields


If you have problem with authors, make sure you chose the right format ("Initial. Name" or "Name, Initial") and that the first part is ALWAYS followed by a white space. Make sure also that you have entered one author per line. Warning! In all cases, an empty line in the list of authors can result in an error. Be careful, and do not put an empty line for example at the end of the list.

Special characters in Titles/Abstracts:

If your document is in TeX/LaTeX, do not forget to use the "Copy&Paste" option. You may need to use special characters, like accented characters or formula. Using accented characters from your keyboard should not be a problem as the system is UTF-8 based. Anyway, you should always check the quality and correctness of the information in your record once it has been inserted in the database. If there is a problem, please contact us.


Make sure you put one keyword per line in the input box. If you enter "muon decay" on a single line and try to search for "muon" afterwards, the report will not be found, whereas if you put "muon" on one line and "decay" on the next, your report will be found.

See also:

  • submit new record