000001242 001__ 1242
000001242 035__ $$a33065
000001242 037__ $$aROMDOC-THESIS-2016-729
000001242 041__ $$arum
000001242 100__ $$aPlăişanu, Claudiu M.
000001242 245__ $$aContribuţii la elaborarea unor soluţii de control al producţiei în sistemele holonice de fabricaţie
000001242 260__ $$c2011-02-29
000001242 520__ $$aABSTRACT Contribuții la Elaborarea unor Soluții de Control al Producției în Sistemele Holonice de Fabricație Research on Production Control Solutions Development for Holonic Manufacturing Systems Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti - Facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare University Politehnica Of Bucharest – The Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers Autor / Author: Claudiu M. Plăişanu Cordonator / Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ing. Theodor Borangiu Controlul este un factor cheie in sistemele de productie automatizate fiind necesar in diferite stadii ale acestui proces, atat la nivelul superior (planificarea productiei, alocarea resurselor, etc) cat si la nivelul inferior (executia planului de productie, comanda si actionarea dispozitivelor si echipamentelor, achizitia datelor de la senzori, etc). La nivelul inferior, echipamentele si dispozitivele de automatizare (roboti industriali, masini de comanda numerica, controlere si automate programabile) necesita tehnici de control pentru adaptarea comportamentului acestora la anumite obiective specifice, in timp ce controlul la nivelul superior este responsabil pentru coordonarea resurselor disponibile in sistemul de fabricatie si are scopul de a realiza produsele dorite. In contextul noilor cerinte impuse companiilor producatoare, aceasta teza isi propune sa aduca contributii in ceea ce priveste elaborarea unor solutii de control al productiei in cadrul unui sistem de fabricatie holonica avand ca scop atingerea a doua obiective majore: propunerea unei arhitecturi generice de fabricatie inspirata din conceptul holonic pentru controlul superior al productiei si implementarea unei solutii avansate pentru controlul de nivel inferior, care sa asigure trasabilitatea productiei si al fluxului de materiale intr-o platforma de fabricatie multirobot, utilizand un automat programabil. Avand ca model, arhitecturile de referinta PROSA si ADACOR, am prezentat o structura formata din trei clase principale de holoni: holoni produs, holoni comanda si holoni resursa, toti acestia fiind coordonati de un holon supervizor care asigura in acelasi timp optimizarea globala a sistemului de productie. Pentru a simplifica intelegerea si a avea o imagine cuprinzatoare a sistemului, in cadrul acestei lucrari am urmarit modelarea formala cu ajutorul retelelor PETRI a specificatiilor structurale si comportamentale a fiecareia dintre aceste clase de holoni. Prin dezagregarea si specializarea holonului resursa din arhitectura generica de control holonic se pot obtine urmatoarele sub-tipuri de holoni: holoni de transport, holoni robot si holoni senzori. Pentru controlul de nivel inferior al acestora am dezvoltat rutine si algoritmi care asigura interconectarea dispozitivelor si resurselor fizice, achizitia datelor de la senzori, comanda si actionarea diverselor echipamente aferente unei platforme de fabricatie multirobot implementata in cadrul Centrului de Cercetare si Instruire in Robotica, Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti. Ulterior, am descris o aplicatie care ofera o imagine de ansamblu, in timp real, asupra intregii platforme de fabricatie, atat la nivel global cat si local, dezvoltata special pentru monitorizarea dinamica a sistemului de productie si pentru gestionarea informatiilor referitoare la trasabilitatea fluxului de materiale. Control represents a key factor within automated production systems, being crucial in various stages of this process, at a high level (production planning, resources distribution, etc) and low level (production plan execution, equipment and device control and actuating , sensor data acquisition, etc). At low level, automated equipment and devices (industrial robots, numeric control machines, controllers and programmable logic controllers) require specific control techniques in order to adapt their behavior to certain objectives, while high level control is responsible for coordinating available resources from the manufacturing system and has the purpose of elaborating desired products. Taking into account the new requirements imposed to manufacturing companies, this thesis aims at bringing significant contributions regarding the elaboration of production control solutions within a holonic manufacturing system. The thesis has two major objectives: presenting a generic manufacturing architecture inspired by the holonic concept for high level production control, and implementing an advanced solution for low level control, that would provide production and material flow traceability into a multi-robot manufacturing platform using a programmable logic controller (PLC). Considering as a reference model PROSA and ADACOR architectures, I have designed a structure composed from three main holon classes: product holons, task holons and resource holons, all of these being coordinated by an supervisor holon that is also able to provide global optimization of production system. In order to simplify the understanding and have a more complex view of the system, within this thesis I have approached formal modeling of structural and behavioral specifications of each of these holon classes, through PETRI net models. Through decomposition and specialization of resource holon from generic holonic control architecture there can be obtained the following subtypes of holons: transport holons, robot holons and sensor holons. For the low level control of this type of holons I have developed algorithms that provide the interconnection of devices and physical resources, sensor data acquisition, control and actuation of various equipment within a multi-robot manufacturing platform implemented within the Centre for Research & Training in Industrial Control, Robotics and Materials Engineering from Polytechnic University of Bucharest. Afterwards, I have described an application that presents a total view, real time, on the entire manufacturing platform, at a global and local level, developed for dynamic monitoring of the manufacturing system and managing information regarding material flow traceability.
000001242 6531_ $$aSisteme de fabricaţie -- Sistem holonic -- Teză de doctorat
000001242 6531_ $$aComandă automată -- Sisteme de fabricaţie -- Teză de doctorat
000001242 8560_ $$ff_costache@library.pub.ro
000001242 8564_ $$uhttp://romdoc.upb.ro/record/1242/files/$$zAccess to Fulltext
000001242 980__ $$aTHESIS