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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2010-018

Innovative methods to advance in synthesis of tailored materials for applications in electrochemical processes

Ionita, Mariana (UPB)

Abstract: The Ph.D thesis Innovative methods to advance in synthesis of tailored materials for applications in electrochemical processes is structured in two main parts the first part with the title: Synthesis of tailored nanostructured electrocatalytic materials; bulk and surface properties investigation aimed to design and investigate materials with tailored properties for. oxigen evolution rection (OER), specifficaly, SnO2, SnO2+IrO2, SnO2+Ta2O5, SnO2+Ta2O5+ IrO2 composite materials were prepared and extensive investigated. The second part Innovative methods to advance in new materials design; electrochemical behaviour of polyaniline–polypyrrole composite coatings obtained by electrosynthesis employed tow different approaches, a computational approach based on molecular mechanics and dynamics and an experimental one in order to design and gain new insights of polypyrrol, polyaniline and polyaniline–polypyrrole composite material.

Keyword(s): Electrochimie -- Teze
Note: Ioan Viorel Branzoi

OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2010-12-06, last modified 2011-11-11

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