Modify Record


This action allows you, once you have submitted a document and it has been integrated into this server, to modify the bibliographic information (title, authors...) you entered at submission time.

You are proposed a list of fields that you can modify. You can select one or several of these fields. The way of doing a multiple selection depends on the platform you are working on.
For Netscape users:
  • On MacOS: keep the "apple" key pressed while selectioning multiple fields.
  • On Windows: keep the "control" key pressed
  • On Linux/UNIX: simply click on several fields!

    Once you have selected the fields and pressed the "finish selection" button, input boxes will be displayed in which you will find the old values of the fields. You can then modify these values, and don't forget to click on the "end submission" button once you have finished. Else your changes will not be taken into account.
  • Delay:

    The maximum delay for taking into account a modification is 1 day. After this time, if you still do not notice any change, please contact us

    See also:

  • submit new file
  • notes on the bibliographic fields