UPB-CTTIP Romdoc 5 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
1. IIIN RECORD BODYCercetări teoretice şi experimentale privind solicitări termice în plăci plane din compozite stratificate, aflate în structura echipamentelor pentru procese industriale i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Enăchescu, Georgiana Luminiţa; 2013-05-04.
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2. IIIN RECORD BODYCercetări teoretice şi experimentale privind evaluarea caracteristicilor fizico-mecanice ale plăcilor polimerice de tip sandwich cu miez compus din celule triunghiulare i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Durbacă, Adrian-Costin ; 2018-01-16.
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3. IIIN RECORD BODYContribuţii la studiul comportării plăcilor stratificate, cu miez de tip fagure, solicitate static şi dinamic i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Petrescu, Horia-Alexandru; 2012-10-17.
Contributions to the Study of Behavior of Honeycomb Core Stratified Plates, Subjected to Static and Dynamic Loads Abstract The higher the requirements for mechanical structures go, especially in the aeronautical and military department, the higher the operation and design conditions go. [...]
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4. IIIN RECORD BODYCercetări privind prelucrabilitatea prin frezare a unor produse din materiale sandwich compozite polimerice i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Bivolaru, Cătălina Florentina; 2011-10-10.
PhD thesis abstract Considering that: - increasing scope of applications for products made by sandwich composite polymeric due to improvement of their properties; -complexity of phenomena that manifest the machining process of these materials; - a few data in the literature about the machinability by cutting and in particular by milling of these materials we want to determine the main and unique functions of machinability process, associated with processing by milling for this products made by materials sandwich with fiberglass faces and extruded polystyrene core. [...]
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5. IIIN RECORD BODYCercetări privind obţinerea şi caracterizarea straturilor compozite armate cu particule dure i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Păvălache, Adrian-Cătălin; 2011-10-10.
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