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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2017-1054

Contribuţii la studiul comportării plăcilor stratificate, cu miez de tip fagure, solicitate static şi dinamic

Petrescu, Horia-Alexandru

Abstract: Contributions to the Study of Behavior of Honeycomb Core Stratified Plates, Subjected to Static and Dynamic Loads Abstract The higher the requirements for mechanical structures go, especially in the aeronautical and military department, the higher the operation and design conditions go. High priorities are considered to be aerodynamically factors and initial conditions regarding: mechanical strength during a high temperature interval, fatigue and impact strength, minimal weight, reliability etc. Different situations occur more frequently where conventional materials are not able to satisfy the high number of requirements. Because, almost every time the geometrical design of the structure is not to be modified, the only way to meet the strict requirements is to use a new kind of materials, with special qualities. Thus, the composite materials had emerged, which are called "second generation materials". These are used almost in all areas of engineering (aeronautical, nautical, medicine, tools etc). Unlike the usual materials with elastic or elasto-plastic behavior, for which the mechanical and elastic characteristics are constant in the relations of the strength of materials, the composite materials present an important variations of these characteristics depend on many parameters, like structural composition, level of loading etc. Values of these characteristics are not available in the specialty literature as the characteristics of the linear-elastic materials are present (like steel alloys, plastics, composites, wood). For these reasons, the numerical calculus in order to establish the strengths of a structure made by such a material, like composite, is difficult to be done by a numerical code, which use the finite elements analysis, because the values of these characteristics are unknown. To overcame that difficulty the continues researches to find new solutions, simple and fastest, are necessary in order to determine the values of these characteristics. In this thesis the author purposes some methodologies to correctly analyze and evaluate the mechanical behavior of the composite materials and of the mechanical structures made from such materials.

Keyword(s): Rezistenţa materialelor -- Teză de doctorat ; Încercarea materialelor -- Teză de doctorat ; Compozite stratificate -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2017-03-08, last modified 2017-03-08

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