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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2017-1002

Cercetări privind prelucrabilitatea prin frezare a unor produse din materiale sandwich compozite polimerice

Bivolaru, Cătălina Florentina

Abstract: PhD thesis abstract Considering that: - increasing scope of applications for products made by sandwich composite polymeric due to improvement of their properties; -complexity of phenomena that manifest the machining process of these materials; - a few data in the literature about the machinability by cutting and in particular by milling of these materials we want to determine the main and unique functions of machinability process, associated with processing by milling for this products made by materials sandwich with fiberglass faces and extruded polystyrene core. This thesis deal also with the mechanical characterization of materials with fiberglass faces and extruded polystyrene core, and resolve the problems about temperature released during the milling process, and the aim of all this is that the data we will obtained to be applied in industry and to determine the optimal processing conditions. To fulfill the purpose of the thesis shall be adopted following research directions aimed at: - studied the types of this materials; - establishing the means necessary to conduct this research; -setting the temperature processing functions evolved in the milling process and determination of machining features; - analysis of factors influencing milling machinability, establish working conditions based on the regression functions obtained. -optimization of the milling cutting sandwich composite materials of polymer products, the criteria analyzed.

Keyword(s): Compozite polimerice -- Prelucrabilitate -- Teză de doctorat ; Frezare -- Prelucrare mecanică -- Teză de doctorat ; Compozite stratificate -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2017-02-24, last modified 2017-02-28

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