UPB-CTTIP Romdoc 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
1. IIIN RECORD BODYContribuţii la perfecţionarea şi evaluarea aparatelor de ventilaţie pulmonară i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Ciurea, Bogdan Marius; 2012-10-17.
UNIVERSITY „POLITEHNICA” OF BUCHAREST FACULTY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MECHATRONICS DEPARTMENT OF MECHATRONICS AND PRECISION MECHANICS Doctoral dissertation title: ”Contributions to the improvement and evaluation of pulmonary ventilation” PhD supervizor: Prof. [...]
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2. IIIN RECORD BODYContribuţii privind analiza structural-topologică şi cinematică a mecanismelor paturilor medicale i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Boblea, Doru Ioan; 2012-10-17.
ABSTRACT The main objective of the present paper represents the analysis of the hospital bed mechanisms and finding new structural solutions which can increase the design process efficiency, embed multiple features into one product, reduce as much as possible the manufacturing costs as well as selecting the best material and manufacturing process in order to reduce the negative environmental impact of the product both during the manufacturing process and recycling. [...]
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3. IIIN RECORD BODYContribuţii teoretice şi experimentale cu privire la modelarea procesului peristaltic din corpul uman i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Tănase, Mioara Carmen; 2007-09-06.
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4. IIIN RECORD BODYModele electromagnetice pentru proceduri medicale i n w e b s e a r c h t e m p l a t e s p r i n t _ r e c o r d _ b r i e f / Faur, Sebastian Cornel; 2008-10-24.
Modele Electromagnetice pentru Proceduri Medicale Rezumat Interacţiunea dintre organismele vii şi câmpurile electrice şi magnetice este un proces continuu şi din ce în ce mai accentuat prin dezvoltarea civilizaţiei moderne, având atat influenţe negative (poluarea electromagnetică) cât şi efecte benefice (terapeutica medicală în mediu electromagnetic). [...]
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