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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2017-965

Compatibilitatea sistemelor de comunicaţii mobile pentru transporturi

Stan, Valentin Alexandru

Abstract: Abstract All modern transport systems has, besides typical infrastructure, modern mobile telecommunications systems which ensure the contact, permanently or as need with fixed positions (ground) or other vehicles. Because of the continuously increase of the transport needs, it was necessary to find new informing and remote coordination systems, which are able to ensure real time efficiency and safe information. The modern technologies allow that in any vehicle there is at least one communications equipment. This equipment ensures from traveler news up to safety transmissions for remote actions. The modern digital transmission systems can allow enough capacities and reliability factors so as to be considered safe even under the most sensitive conditions. On the other hand, the public information systems for travelers are more and more active in our lives – the experience of the EU countries shows that those systems has been naturally adopted and integrated in real life. Those technologies have become accessible and reliable, being one of the main solutions for informing about traffic conditions, safety and travel ways. The thesis makes a detailed analyses of the main mobile telecommunications which are reliable for the transport systems: Trunking networks, GSM (in fact the Railway version, GSM-R), terrestrial safety communication system (TETRA) and public channel transmission systems which are available for the public. Those receive systems are already embedded on commercial radios. In the work there is detailed the complete project for a national wide RDS-TMC informing system, designed for Romania application. The implementation of the project has been made as pilot-project, using 5 radio-stations spread on Romanian territory, chosen so as to obtain the best radio-coverage as possible. The research result is that the RDS pilot-project, proposed as implemented, creates the base for a complete national-wide radio informing system, considering the minimum effort than any other similar solution.

Keyword(s): Telecomunicaţii -- Teză de doctorat ; Transporturi -- Teză de doctorat ; Comunicaţii mobile -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2017-02-14, last modified 2017-02-14

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