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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2017-1012

Cercetări privind evaluarea performanţelor dispozitivelor în vederea adaptării pe maşini-unelte în sisteme de producţie avansate

Niţă, Raluca Magdalena

Abstract: Research Regarding the Devices Performance Evaluation to Adapt them on Machine Tools in Advanced Production Systems Abstract Studying the literature, the existing achievements in the world and also the possibilities to adapt to the reality of our country in the areas aborted in this work is a priority fall within the concerns of researchers and specialists. The ensuring the dimensional, shape and quality precision and productivity performance it is conditioning to the performances of the technological system and to actuation, command and control equipments. It is almost impossible to integrate a device into a APS without a stage of its performance evaluation. Devices used for fixing parts must meet a number of conditions such as simple construction, rigidity, flexibility, maintaining the workpiece position under the cutting forces and moments. Performance analysis devices for integration into the APS requires completion of a methodology that includes the following steps: analysis of the workpiece, the location surface, technological processes and tools, the production type, the process parameters, knowledge and determination of load elements, modeling and simulation to determine the most stressed elements of the device structure, in the worst case, the possibility of adapting the device to be integrated. Result of the analysis lead to the solution of a sensor or transducer placement, an essential element for building a mechatronic device. They are also useful for the evaluation methodology for the analyses devices and the establishment of the necessary clamping forces taking into consideration the process parameters, cutting forces, the technological process of machining, shape, size and material of the workpiece.

Keyword(s): Maşini-unelte -- Dispozitive -- Teză de doctorat ; Dispozitive de prindere -- Teză de doctorat ; Dispozitiv tehnologic -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2017-02-27, last modified 2017-02-27

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