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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2017-1026

Analiza comportării în condiţii biologice a structurilor din aliaje noi de titan cu aplicaţii biomedicale

Crişan, Nicoleta

Abstract: The success of an prosthesis fitting is determined by the design, by the surgical technique and accuracy, by the recovery period, by the allowable limits of use, without excessive demands and by the type of materials used to manufacture prosthetic components. Prosthetic components must provide, in addition to biocompatibility, sufficiently mechanical strength, modulus as close to the bone as possible , corrosion resistance and low friction coefficient. This paper proposes the use of two new titanium alloys, type: Ti12Mo and Ti 25Nb25Ta. Their behavior in terms of wear resistance, was studied in order to achieve a theoretical model, confirmed by the experimental measurements results. Their behavior in diverse similar biological environments makes them reliable as future biomaterials. Conclusions validation of possible use of the proposed materials for manufactured artificial joints was performed on a model of unicompartimetale knee prosthesis. It was considered a simplified model that allowed the determination of the maximum stress for different relative positions of the tibio-femoral system and the friction that occurs in the joint. , after considering different aspects of the use of new materials that eliminate or reduce some of the disadvantages of currently used materials the thesis conclude that new proposed materials present superior qualities.

Keyword(s): Titan -- Aliaje -- Teză de doctorat ; Biomedicină -- Teză de doctorat ; Proteze medicale -- Teză de doctorat ; Biomateriale -- Teză de doctorat ; LinkBiomateriale -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Notice créée le 2017-02-28, modifiée le 2017-02-28

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