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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2017-1085

Influenţa proceselor de generare a materialelor secundare asupra ciclurilor de viaţă ale produselor

Berbecaru, Andrei-Constantin

Abstract: University Politehnica of Bucharest Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering Abstract of PhD thesis ,, THE INFLUENCE OF PROCESSES REGARDING THE SECONDARY MATERIALS GENERATION ON THE LIFECYCLE OF PRODUCTS” Thesis addresses a modern trend: co-developing knowledge systems in terms of convergence and bilateral transfer of knowledge. Specifically it is about the convergence of materials engineering and environmental engineering. In this context are considered possibilities for: . transfer of knowledge from environmental engineering to materials engineering: life cycle (L.C.) of materials and products, life cycle assessment (L.C.A.), lifecycle environmental impact as an instrument of industrial ecology (in particular, ecometallurgy), sustainable materials as a function environmental and ecometallurgical process, ecological time as a measure of the different stages of life. . transfer of knowledge from materials engineering to environmental engineering: . importance of properties degradation of the material (degree of degradation of the material ,gd, degradation rate of the material, rd.m, wall thickness reduction percentage, mp.p and index performance mechanical ecological Ip.m.e) in the disable the steel plates used in the manufacture of energy equipment; . mechanism and kinetics influence on the processes of destruction of life cycle of submerged entry nozzles used in continuous casting of steel; In the paper are elaborated own methodology to quantify some parameters and indicators used in environmental engineering and materials engineering: . remaining life of the products by scientific and technical expertise; . the impact of the life cycle of product on the environment. PhD coordinator: PhD student: Prof. PhD. eng. Avram NICOLAE eng. Andrei-Constantin BERBECARU

Keyword(s): Produse industriale -- Ciclu de viaţă -- Teză de doctorat ; Materiale ecologice -- Teză de doctorat ; Ecometalurgie -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2017-03-11, last modified 2017-03-11

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