/ | ROMDOC-WorkShop-2007-001 |
ROMDOC Project: Implementing a publication platform for “grey” documents SCOPES Project no. IB7420-111091
Plesu, Valentin (CTTPI, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest) ; Popescu, Dan-Radu (Central Library, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest) ; Neubauer, Wolfram (ETH Zurich Library) ; Constantinescu, Dan (Government of Romania, Ministry of Education and Research) ; Banciu, Doina (University of Bucharest) ; Bercaru, Titus Marius (CTTPI, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest) ; Dumitrescu, Anca (CTTPI, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest) ; Pirvu, Rodica (Romanian Office for Author Rights) ; Piguet, Arlette (ETH Zurich Library) ; Ostafe, Doina (Central University Library Timisoara)
Keyword(s): RomDoc Project
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Record created 2007-02-11, last modified 2011-11-11
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