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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2010-025

Contribuţii referitoare la diagnosticul multicriterial al întreprinderilor privind sistemul de management al calităţii

Andreescu, Ana-Cristina (UPB)

Abstract: The doctoral dissertation refers to the need of continuous development of companies’ capability of answering efficiently – technically, qualitatively, economically, profitably – to customers’ increasing requirements. In this study there is analyzed and developed, both theoretically and basing on the case studies presented, the manner in which the performances of management systems are evaluated in companies using different types of management systems as ISO, TQM and KAIZEN. By putting together the obtained information it is created a type of diagnosis for which there can be defined the criteria that underlay the evaluation, the valuation algorithm and a manner of interpreting the results of the diagnosis basing on the defined influencing factors. The advantage of applying the multicriterial diagnosis is the possibility of obtaining the intercorrelated general image used for discovering the level of the quality culture in a company. The unitary tackling in the diagnosis process allows and supports a unitary tackling of a strategical program, starting from the results of the diagnosis, to improve the performances of the management system in a company.

Keyword(s): Managementul calităţii -- Teză de doctorat ; Întreprinderi -- Diagnostic multicriterial -- Teză de doctorat
Note: Sturzu, Aurel

OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2010-12-07, last modified 2011-11-11

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