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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2010-069

Contribuţii în domeniul biomaterialelor metalice utilizate la execuţia componentelor femurale ale endoprotezelor totale de şold

Antoniac, Iulian Vasile (UPB)

Abstract: This thesis is focused on the metallic biomaterials for hip prosthesis and the main objective was to obtain two femoral component of hip prosthesis made by different metallic biomaterials. In order to project a new design for femoral component was made a complex analysis of the scientific literature, statistical dates, biomechanical aspects and informatics’ technology used in design. One important aspect was the study of retrieval analysis dates, used as prediction method for the viability of some design for femoral components, correlated with the experimental researches of the author. Two femoral components for hip prosthesis was designed, for any of this was mention the metallic biomaterials, with metallurgical data about processing, and the mechanical technology for processing the half-finished in order to obtain the femoral components. First femoral component is cemented type, with design like a Taperloc-Biomet model, and was obtain by precision casting in ceramic forms of a Co-Cr alloy type F75 and mechanical processing by classical technology. The second femoral component is uncemented type, with an original design, and was obtaining by CAD-CAM processing technology of a forged half-finished from stainless steel type 316L. It was described the technological aspects, using a modular structure. For any femoral components was establish a technological plan, when the metallurgical and mechanical technology used in order to obtain the experimental femoral components was mention. The detailed aspects about the researches for experimental metallic materials testing in order to used this as implant materials was presented. The experimental program was structured in two parts. One of this was focused on the materials aspects: chemical composition and microstructure analysis (using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction), corrosion resistance, mechanical testing and wear resistance. The second part was focused on the biocompatibility aspects and was made the citotoxicity and implantation tests. Also, the biofunctionality of the original femoral components was tested by the evaluation of the relative angle movement, the endurance resistance and the clinical test. The results confirm the successful of this new design for femoral components. According the experimental results we can say that both experimental metallic materials (stainless steel type 316L and Co-Cr alloy type F75) present characteristics which are specific for biomaterials and may be used for hip prosthesis. Also, the original femoral components for hip prosthesis named ROHIP will be possible to be used in clinical practice.

Keyword(s): Materiale medicale -- Teză de doctorat ; Patologia organelor de locomoţie -- Teză de doctorat ; Biomateriale metalice -- Ştiinţa materialelor -- Teză de doctorat ; Proteze medicale -- Teză de doctorat
Note: Georgeta Cosmeleata

OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Notice créée le 2010-12-08, modifiée le 2011-11-11

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