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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2016-209

Semnarea electronică a datelor schemă hibrid de realizare a ştampilelor digitale de timp

Marinescu, Cristian

Abstract: Abstract teză de doctorat One of the biggest problems with today’s security protocols is to establish the exact time of certain events. Timestamps are a digital binding between a time parameter and an electronic representation of the data. Time-stamps can be very useful since an electronic document has to contain undeniable proof about the time the document was created, in order to be used in a court of law. They also can be used to indicate the time of submission when a deadline is critical, or the exact time when an electronic signature was created. But all known time-stamping protocols and standards encounter problems in delivering reliable and secure time-stamps. In this context, the PhD thesis presents several digital signature schemes and hash functions that could be used to generate time-stamps. The possibilities of Public Key Infrastructures are presented, as well as the state-of-the-art in the domain of timestamping. The problems of time-stamping schemes and protocols known today are presented, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of the current solutions. An implementation of the PKIX Time Stamping Protocol, was used as a starting point for the analysis of the current simple time-stamping schemes. Under this circumstances, what changes and new protocols are required to achieve secure and trustworthy time-stamping services? The PhD thesis is presenting a method of improvement for the PKIX Time Stamping Protocol, and a modification of the corresponding implementation. Unfortunately the results are quite modest, if a standard compliant solution is considered. On this basis the PhD thesis is introducing a set of design requirements for a secure time-stamping scheme. The author elaborates a new and original hybrid sheme for the generation of digital time-stamps, which presents two unique properties among current time-stamping schemes: • the possibility to verify the time parameter provided by the time-stamping authority; • the possibility to audit the behavior of the time-stamping authority. The PhD thesis elaborates a hybrid approach to overcome the current dead-end in achieving highly secure timestamping schemes. The presented solution has been partially implemented in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the concepts.

Keyword(s): Semnături electronice -- Teză de doctorat ; Sisteme informatice -- Măsuri de siguranţă -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Notice créée le 2016-06-01, modifiée le 2016-06-01

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