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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2016-498

Analiza termodinamică computerizată a sistemelor de aliaje binare Pb-Sb

Pereţeanu, Florentina

Abstract: The impetuous development of material science and engineering from the last decades wouldn’t have been possible without some thoroughgoing and detailed studies regarding thermodynamic unit’s specific to the studied systems (activities, activity coefficients, free Gibbs energies, enthalpies, entropies etc.). The positive results obtained in this stream are due to a combined action of various factors: an appreciable volume of scientific knowledge gathered and synthesised during time, using of high purity materials for experimental, and never the less the existence of performing calculus techniques, assisted by computer, able to resolve successfully high complexity challenges. In this context is included the present PhD thesis, that propose a complex thermodynamic study of Pb-Sb system alloys. First of all, it is about primary, raw experimental dates and values, obtained with the help of a self conception setup, dates regarding lead activity in Pb-Sb alloys, which covers the entire concentration spectrum. Secondly, it is about the processed information offered as temperature functions, which allow the thermodynamically modelling of the system. Due to the fact that the mean relative error (e @ 4,09%) is comparable to similar errors obtained for other studied system alloys, the prevailed data, both those regarding the component’s activity and those regarding the functions derived from activities (activity coefficients, mixture’s free energies, excess free energies) are true and can be applied by all interested in thermodynamic of alloys and in computed thermodynamic analysis of different system alloys.

Keyword(s): Aliaje binare -- Teză de doctorat ; Termodinamică -- Teză de doctorat ; Plumb -- Aliaje -- Teză de doctorat ; Stibiu -- Aliaje -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2016-10-12, last modified 2016-10-12

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