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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2016-533

Contribuţii la analiza perturbaţiilor conduse în reţele de distribuţie

Bucătaru, Constantin-Gabriel

Abstract: University “POLITEHNICA” of Bucharest Power ENGINEERING Faculty CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE CONDUCTED PERTURBATION ANALYSIS IN DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS In order to perform a comprehensive characterization of the performances concerning voltage sags and short term interruptions in a power network, complete information is needed regarding the network busses and the consumers connected within the entire power system. Studies and analyses based on real-life network voltage sags measurements were performed, establishing indices of voltage sags for a real distribution network. Moreover, their influence within the network was also studied. An evaluation of the effects of voltage interruptions can be made based on full information regarding interruption lengths and occurrences at a certain consumer, over a given period of time. The indices that characterize voltage interruptions aggregate data concerning both the supply system performances and the consumers connected to that power network. Voltage sags and interruptions lead to substantial economic losses, mainly made up from potential manufacturing losses, but also from market losses and the loss of trust and comfort of users. Thus, the need of protection schemes at the consumers’ side becomes more desirable. Chapter three presents an analysis of distribution topologies from a real power network. Taking into consideration the main objectives of the distribution operator, modernization solutions were proposed and designed, restricted by the current equipment state. Two methods for power quality evaluation are proposed, from both “objective” and “subjective” approach styles, alongside methods for power quality improvement. The determination of the vulnerability area represents the foundation in the estimation of voltage sags due to events occurrences and propagations in distribution networks, but it also helps investors in choosing the coupling point.

Keyword(s): Goluri de tensiune -- Teză de doctorat ; Energie electrică -- Calitate -- Teză de doctorat ; Reţele electrice de distribuţie -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Notice créée le 2016-10-25, modifiée le 2016-10-25

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