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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2016-587

Improvement of small-disturbances stability by facts devices

Ilea, Valentin

Abstract: Abstract - The present work aims at answering to two of the major problems encountered in the smalldisturbance rotor angle stability analysis of modern power systems: the need for new solutions to damp the interarea modes of oscillations and the necessity to design robust controllers for the oscillation modes damping in multiscenario situations. These problems are raised by the nowadays trends in the development of the power systems, i.e. the liberalization of the electrical energy market and the expansion of the interconnections between national grids. In addition, another important factor is the system operators’ tendency to exploit the power systems close to their maximum capability. The first problem is solved by using FACTS device, i.e. SVC and TCSC, provided with PODs. But the basic solution is not sufficient. Therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of the FACTS devices, synthesized signals were defined, starting from the local ones, as input to the PODs; these signals were defined considering the global nature of the inter-area modes. Moreover, a method for the optimal location of the FACTS based on modal sensitivities is proposed. The combined use of the two made the FACTS devices a very efficient solution for the damping of the inter-area oscillation modes. The robust design problem is solved by developing innovative methods for the optimal location and parameter computation of the feed-back controllers. Thus, in a first approach, the author proposed a method for the optimal location of the PSS/POD devices starting from the systems open-loop transfer function residues, while the optimal values for the parameters are determined based on the theory of the small shift of poles. Then, in a second approach, two design methods that are based on genetic algorithms (GA) were developed: the first strategy finds the optimal values of the PSS/POD parameters such to maximize the damping in the system while in the second strategy the GA simultaneously manages both the minimization of the feed-back controllers number and the improvement of the damping level. From the practical point of view, all the proposed methods were programed in MATLAB enviroment and validation tests were performed on small and medium size electrical networks. Keywords: small-disturbance rotor angle stability, FACTS, PSS, POD, small-shift of poles theory, modal sensitivity, genetic algorithms.

Keyword(s): Oscilaţii electromecanice -- Dispozitive de amortizare -- Teză de doctorat ; Electronică de putere -- Teză de doctorat ; Controlere -- Teză de doctorat ; Dispozitive electronice -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Notice créée le 2016-11-03, modifiée le 2016-11-03

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