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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2016-666

Contribuţii privind metode de diagnostic prin analiza de semnal aplicaţii la convertoarele statice de putere

Frumuşelu, Sorin

Abstract: FACULTATEA DE INGINERIE ELECTRICĂ CONTRIBUTII PRIVIND METODE DE DIAGNOSTIC PRIN ANALIZA DE SEMNAL. APLICATII LA CONVERTOARELE STATICE DE PUTERE CONTRIBUTIONS TO DIAGNOSIS METHODS USING SIGNAL ANALYSIS. APPLICATIONS TO STATIC POWER CONVERTERS CONDUCĂTOR ŞTIINŢIFIC DOCTORAND Prof. dr. ing. Mihai Octavian POPESCU Ing. Sorin FRUMUŞELU ABSTRACT Obiectivul tezei consta in implementarea unor sisteme de tip SCADA pentru mediul industrial ce realizeaza monitorizarea, diagnoza si controlul unor instalatii industriale pentru a se imbunatati functionalitatea acestora si pentru a se elimina factorul uman predispus la greseli ce ar duce la adevarate dezastre in cazul instalatiilor ce vor fi prezentate. In Capitolul 1 am prezentat ideile de baza referitoare la scopul, conceptele de baza si domeniile de aplicabilitate ale sistemelor expert. În Capitolul 2 am evidentiat realizarea implementarii si utilizarii cu succes a filozofiei sistemelor expert pentru comanda, monitorizarea si diagnoza on-line, memorarea evenimentelor aparute in functionare si luarea deciziilor in timp real la aparitia anumitor defecte pentru liniile industriale de formare a acumulatorilor. În Capitolul 3 am prezentat realizarea unui sistem expert de monitorizare si diagnoza pentru statiile electrice de distributie a energiei electrice cu AAR. Un sistem de automatizare a distribuţiei energiei electrice, bine definit şi bine proiectat, permite utilizatorului să supravegheze de la distanţă, să coordoneze şi să exploateze în timp real componentele distribuţiei, ceeea ce conduce la eficientizarea şi îmbunătăţirea fiabilităţii reţelei de distribuţie a energiei electrice, la reducerea costurilor şi la creşterea efectivă a calităţii serviciului oferit consumatorilor. In Capitolul 4 am prezentat realizarea unui sistem de monitorizare, diagnoza si control pentru grupurile redresoare de mare putere (7,85MVA, 50.000A) aferente cuptoarelor pentru obtinerea carburii de siliciu si grafitului. Prin intermediul sistemului de monitorizare se poate controla in timp real instalatia de distributie a energiei electrice si totodata creste siguranta in exploatare si fiabilitatea. The objective of the thesis is the implementation for SCADA systems used in industrial environmental, which can monitor, diagnose and control industrial processes with the purpose to optimize the functionality of these processes and to minimize the risks determined by the human operation in order to avoid hazards which can be real disasters in the industrial field. In Chapter 1 I’ve made a brief introduction to expert systems by giving a definition for this term, by presenting the main advantages for expert systems and I’ve finished the chapter with a description of the domains in which this type of control and diagnostic system can be used. Chapter 2 describes how expert systems can be used for controlling, monitoring and for giving the right diagnostic. For this it was presented an application that represents a complete SCADA system, for a battery charging line, with control, diagnostic and monitor functions, with an event logger for the event that have appeared during run, and with the facility to take decisions if any fault appears. In Chapter 3 I’ve presented the implementation of an expert system for monitoring and controlling an electric station which is equipped with “ATS” (Automated Transfer Switch). If an automated system for electric energy distribution is well conceived, it can be remotely controlled and it gives the operator the advantage of interacting in real time with the equipment and this makes the operator commands to be more précised and can optimize the reliability. Chapter 4 presents an expert system for monitoring and controlling eight high power rectifiers (7.85 MVA, 50.000A) that are powering the furnaces for obtaining the silicate carbide and the graphite. With the help of this expert system the consumption of the electric energy can be real time monitored and this makes the fabrication process more reliable and more safety for the operators.

Keyword(s): Diagnoză tehnică -- Teză de doctorat ; Monitorizare tehnică -- Teză de doctorat ; Sisteme expert -- Teze ; Convertizoare statice -- Convertizoare de putere -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2016-11-18, last modified 2016-11-18

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