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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2016-767

Reţele distribuite de proiectare asistată de calculator a modulelor electronice

Chiţu, Sorin

Abstract: THE ABSTRACT OF THE DOCTORATE THESIS „DISTRIBUTED NETWORK DEDICATED TO COMPUTER ASSISTED DESIGN OF ELECTRONIC MODULE” Collaborative work environment, widely, is one of the major features of modern society, being facilitated by the development of communications network. In this sense, distributed to networks of computer-aided design of electronic modules offer the possibility of conducting specific activities shared (design, simulation, implementation, testing, etc.) in different locations, according to their competence. A prerequisite, however, to achieve this goal, is the existence of a security infrastructure, enabling the protection of information conveyed by satisfying all its attributes, namely: confidentiality, authenticity, integrity, non-repudiation and availability. In this thesis, targeting the purpose described above, is designed, analyzed and evaluated in terms of level of security offered, a secure, through cryptographic means, communication infrastructure, original items being present at different architectural levels. Thus, for a cryptographic key generator, the central element of any cryptographic system, was designed, developed and tested in practice such a device, based on a conception that provides, as technical performance, the following: speed generation of about 1 Mb/s, tested statistical performance in terms of randomness, resistance to environmental factors disturbing. Further, for assurance of the security communication channel, also, an original protocol was designed for authentication, called Iterative Protocol. On this basis, there were implemented user authentication mechanisms, and then the authentication of messages conveyed in network communication, but also to set encryption keys to be used during each session. In this context, an assessment was made of the security obtained by implementation of the Iterative Protocol, the achieved results, mathematically demonstrated, revealing an exponential increase in its complexity to the classical versions, cryptanalytic attacks properly weighed the same rules of evolution. Regarding the cryptographic management to be conducted by the network security administrator, in the thesis is proposed a mechanism for distributing encryption keys that allow, among other things, organizing hierarchical dynamic terminal subnets or interoperable. One of the benefits resulting from implementation of the proposed mechanism is the ability to set individually for every user of the network security parameters that will allow the membership working groups formed ad hoc. Another issue examined in the context of this thesis, which allows its use as a manual of best practices, it is choosing the appropriate security mechanisms in accordance to usage context (characteristics of the communication network architecture, risk analysis, etc.), and the correlation between them and legal regulations and standards in the field of cryptography, at national and global level.

Keyword(s): Sisteme informatice -- Măsuri de siguranţă -- Teză de doctorat ; Criptografie -- Teză de doctorat ; Sisteme distribuite -- Sisteme de comunicaţie -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2016-12-29, last modified 2016-12-29

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