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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2017-905

Contribuţii la dezvoltarea sistemelor informatice de întreprindere

Alexandrescu, Adrian

Abstract: Politechnic University of Bucharest Faculty of Automatics Contributions to the Enterprise Information Systems Development Author: Lect. Eng. Adrian Alexandrescu Coordinator: Prof. PhD. Eng. Luca Dan Serbanati Absract The paper presents a new methodology for the development of the applications from the enterprise information systems. The development process starts from a conceptual model of the application domain, using the conceptual cathegories of the REA modelling (Resources, Events, Agents). The conceptual model is then refined in succesive phases, presented in the paper. The models specification is achieved by UML class diagrams and equivalent XML descriptions. The process continues with the generation of the relational schema of the database. The methodology associates to each concept from the application domain an user-interface. There are proposed a set of patterns for the user-interfaces corresponding to the conceptual categories. The patterns are specified from three perspectives: the structure, the functionality and the behaviour. The patterns contains presentation objects which may be specified by seting the values for the predefined attributes. The patterns have tools for the automated generation of the user-interfaces. The methodology uses a predefined architectural style on three layers. The architecture contains some predefined components. The paper contains a case study which apply the proposed methodology for the development of an application for the trade activity. The advantages of the presented methodology are: there is a simple modelling, easy to understand by both the domain experts and developers; the developers are now concerned more about the concepts and relationships specification, than the routine work of designing and implementation, left now for the assistance tools; the coding is done only for the specific functions of the concepts, beyond the standard functions of the patterns; the generated components are theoretic error free, so they need not unit test; the applications modifications conduct now only to the modification of the concepts specification and to the regeneration of the components affected by these modifications; when changing the platform, we must buid the new tools for the automated generation of the components and also to rebuild the predefined components of the architecture.

Keyword(s): Sisteme informatice -- Întreprinderi industriale -- Teză de doctorat ; Sisteme industriale -- Sisteme informatice -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Notice créée le 2017-02-07, modifiée le 2017-02-07

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