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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2017-981

Contribuţii la cercetarea proceselor de sinteză in situ a materialelor compozite cu matrici de aluminiu

Uşurelu, Emilia-Maria

Abstract: ABSTRACT The aim of the experimental research performes in the doctoral thesis is to obtaine new in situ composite materials with aluminum alloy matrix, reinforced with titanium boride particles, by controlling the process variables so that the composite material obtained presents structure and properties improved to the alloy matrix, containing impurities minimized, the interface matrixreinforcement material stable. Was performed the setting to optimal conditions for exclusive precipitation of TiB2 particles in aluminum-based matrix, complex study of the dependence of phase transformations TiAl3→TiB2 depending on the components concentration, working temperature and reaction time, the study of thermodynamic reactions occuring AlMgSi-KBF4-K2TiF6 system to develop in situ composites by aluminothermic reaction, the study of the mechanisms and kinetics TiB2 particles formation in the AlMgSi-KBF4-K2TiF6 system. XRD and SEM/EDS analysis of the Al/TiB2 composites obtained in situ by aluminothermic reduction, KBF4 and K2TiF6, indicate the formation of TiB2 reinforcement particles, only. As a final conclusion of experimental investigations, to obtain quality composite materials, for the alloys studied, is necessary during 1 hour, at a initial concentration of both salts of 10% for each component (KBF4 and K2TiF6) and using 5% cryolite (Na3AlF6).

Keyword(s): Ştiinţa materialelor -- Teză de doctorat ; Compozite cu matrice metalică -- Sinteză in situ -- Teză de doctorat ; Aluminiu -- Aliaje -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Notice créée le 2017-02-23, modifiée le 2017-02-23

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