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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2017-985

Wireless sensor networks in energy constrained environments

Tudose, Dan Ştefan

Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks in Energy Constrained Environments In recent decades, technology opened the path to device miniaturization and specialization, which enabled the presence of an ever increasing number of embedded computing systems which interact, enhance and blend into a person’s everyday life. This thesis presents research in the field of Proactive Computing and Wireless Sensor Networks with contributions in energy harvesting, energy efficiency and autonomy, task scheduling algorithms and monitoring of sensor networks, culminating with the development of a framework for sensor network management. Wireless Sensor Networks are subjected to severe constraints which are typically application-dependent. Constraints usually fall in, but are not restricted to, categories such as size, number of nodes, energy availability and processing capabilities. However, the prevailing constraint in almost all sensor network applications is network autonomy, that is, the network should be able to organize, manage and repair itself with minimum or no need for human intervention. The goal of this thesis is to design highly energy and spectrum efficient mechanisms and protocols to capture and actuate the context information. The research focuses on enabling Wireless Sensor Nodes to achieve energy independence by harvesting and efficiently using energy from the environment. Optimisation techniques found in this thesis are not confined only to software frameworks and algorithms. A study of hardware techniques in lowering power consumption has also been made with emphasis on implementing smart power management algorithms and circuits at sensor node level. Also, research has been made in the direction of energy harvesting systems by studying four of the most promicing harvesting sources and adapting such circuitry to a wireless sensor node in order to prolong its lifetime, in some cases indefinitely. The greatest contribution of this thesis is the development of a sensor network management framework which offers monitoring and actuation facilities for heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network islands across different organizations. The suite solves issues that plague all modern sensor networks such as monitoring of different parameters, task alocation and energy profiling by implementing task scheduling algorithms based on multi-hop routing schemes and by supplying a flexible monitoring infrastructure that can be easily configured and adapted for any existing sensor network infrastructure.

Keyword(s): Reţea de senzori mobili -- Arhitectură -- Teză de doctorat ; Senzori fără fir -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Notice créée le 2017-02-23, modifiée le 2017-02-23

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