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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2017-1047

Contribuţii la caracterizarea metrologică a fibrelor optice

Ghinoiu, Şerban

Abstract: ABSTRACT OF THE PhD THESIS “Contributions of Metrological Characterization of Optical Fibres” In this paper was designed and has been achieved an optical power meter operating in the visible and near infrared, which was used to measure the attenuation of optical fibers. Using two points method and an optical reflectometer (Agilent) was measured attenuation of an optical fiber with a length of 28964 m when it was irradiated with a laser pulse with 1 s = 1,55 m getting 0,2 dB / km . The experimental results obtained are in good agreement with other results that have been published in the literature both domestically and internationally that have used other methods of measurement. Also it has been made experimentally assembly used to measure the insertion loss and optical return loss of optical fibers = 1,55 m. Uncertainty budget was eleborated for two optical fibers having a length of 4 m and 8 m were irradiated with laser radiation with = 1,55 m, considering a normal distribution (Gaussian). It was evaluated standard deviation for 5 measurements during the test and measurement limit of 65 dB optical power before and after the test, geting for fiber length measurement an error of 1,0%. For the combined standard uncertainty for measurement uncertainties powers it was obtained a value of about 0,048 W, while the attenuation coefficient was obtained value 0,200 0,014) dB / m. The refractive index profile was determined by the two directions, width and depth respectively for an optical fiber having a graded refractive index profile based on a program edited in FORTRAN language. On based program developed was determined the depth of penetration, the corresponding variation in refractive index and was evaluated the coupling coefficient between two optical fibers as mentioned above obtaining value = 87,31. These results, both theoretical and experimental characteristics can be used to improve existing optoelectronic components and the design of complex integrated optoelectronic devices with applications in telecommunications, optical signal processing, optical sensors etc. to manufacture.

Keyword(s): Fibre optice -- Comunicaţii -- Teză de doctorat ; Comunicaţii optice -- Teză de doctorat ; Telecomunicaţii -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Notice créée le 2017-03-08, modifiée le 2017-03-08

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