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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2017-1056

Fiabilitatea reţelelor de transport

Ruscă, Florin Valentin

Abstract: The concepts of reliability and vulnerability are quite important in assessing the ability of transport networks to provide continuity in operation. The natural disasters occurring during the recent years (earthquakes, floods, fires), the malevolence (terrorist acts, sabotages, wars), the spread out of the human habitat and mainly the extension of urban areas and traffic congestion on road networks provided a special interest in the researches on transport networks reliability and vulnerability. The impact of nodes or link disruption could be quite significant. Impactul nefuncţionării unor noduri sau legături din reţea poate fi impresionant. So, transport network reliability is defined in relation with the main attributes of the network (like connectivity, topology, state of infrastructure), the traffic characteristics (OD matrices, volume, hourly/day-to-day variations, etc.) and with environment interactions (natural event, climatic change). In thesis are presented mathematical models used to determine the reliability of transport networks in relation to the above attributes, and also, models used to determine their vulnerability. Study of national transport network reliability from Romania in terms of economic implications, like growth of the total path of travel size induced by functionality/failure of network components leads to the identification of arcs, that the road sector, which according reliability should be carefully monitored to attractiveness of transport network. Using Visum software, in thesis is development a methodology to assess transport network reliability usable at national transport network level but also for urban transport network.

Keyword(s): Transporturi -- Fiabilitate -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2017-03-08, last modified 2017-03-08

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