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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2017-1093

Modelarea matematică şi cercetări experimentale privind arderea combustibililor gazoşi într-un mediu cu concentraţie redusă de oxigen, cu aplicare la ciclurile mixte gaze-abur

Covrig, Cătălin Felix

Abstract: ABSTRACT MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON COMBUSTION OF A GASEOUS FUEL IN AN ENVIRONMENT WITH LOW OXYGEN CONCENTRATION, WITH APPLICATIONS IN MIXED GAS-STEAM CYCLES Author: ing. Cătălin Covrig Supervisor: Constantin Neaga The high temperature preheated and diluted oxidizer combustion has gained a great deal of interest in the last decades and it has been confirmed as a technology offering high thermal efficiency and lower emissions. Applying this technology to the combined cycle power plants, by burning a supplementary quantity of fuel, in the heat recovery steam generator, based only on the oxygen found in the exhaust gases of the gas turbine, can increase the power of the cycle. Also the availability of the cycle is not limited anymore by the gas turbine itself. Excess air can be added to the gas turbine exhaust gases so more fuel can be combusted, further increasing the power of the steam turbine. The understanding of the combustion in these conditions is limited and some further research must be done. In this paper an original mathematical model was developed for the combustion of natural gas in an atmosphere with reduced oxygen concentration, taking into account most of the existing parameters, for two situations: the combustion in a heat recovery steam generator with partial supplementary firing, respectively in one with extended supplementary firing. An experimental study of combustion in a low concentration of oxygen was conducted, in which the appearance of the methane flames was observed and the flammability limits for methane were determined according to the oxygen concentration in the mixture, equivalence ratio, reactants velocity and the temperature of the oxidant.

Keyword(s): Combustibili gazoşi -- Teză de doctorat ; Ardere -- Modelare matematică -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Notice créée le 2017-03-11, modifiée le 2017-03-11

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