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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2017-1105

Cercetări privind comportarea materialelor compozite cu fibre utilizate pentru produse şi echipamente industriale în concepţie eco-tehnologică

Colţ, Marilena

Abstract: RESEARCH ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF FIBER COMPOSITE MATERIALS USED FOR PRODUCTS AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT IN ECO-TECHNOLOGY DESIGN The aim of this study is to study the behaviour of fiber composite materials in machining and tensile and bearing behaviour of carbon/epoxy hybrid joints (bolted and bonded) based on experimental and analytical study; also to estabilish some eco-technology indice regarding their reciclebility. The first part of the study offers informations about the reciclability of carbon/epoxy quasi-static laminates. The goal was to fix a general indice for fiber composite materials, and then to the particular case, carbon/epoxy quasi-static laminates. The second part of the study shows the effects of drilling conditions on the size and the shape of defects generated in carbon/epoxy quasi-isotropic laminates. For the drilling conditions tested, the size of defects (delaminations, chip-out of fibres and matrix, circularity defects …) are becoming visible on the 15th hole. In the third part, quasi-static tensile tests were performed on hybrid bolted/bonded joints (metal/composite/metal). The dimensioning of hybrid joints needs modelling to evaluate the loading transfer rate between the bolt and the adhesive. In this part shows a strategy based on an analytic model and a multi-criteria approach which includes both composite and adhesive failures. Composite failure criteria are based on Hart-Smith works while adhesive criterion is based on maximal shear strain. The validity of the model is discussed using FEM simulations and tests performed on bonded, bolted and hybrid joints. The last part shows a case study for hardening systems by heat and rapid cooling, based using FEM simulations for four different materials to improve the efficiency of a part of the structure. Key words: eco-tehnology, cutting parameters, bolted joints, bonded joints, failure criteria, load transfer.

Keyword(s): Compozite cu fibre -- Prelucrabilitate -- Teză de doctorat ; Ecotehnologie -- Teză de doctorat ; Aşchiere -- Prelucrare mecanică -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2017-03-13, last modified 2017-03-13

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