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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2010-021

Utilizarea tehnologiilor obiectuale în dezvoltarea aplicaţiilor distribuite

Enescu, Mihai Cristian (UPB)

Abstract: Object oriented technologies represent the technologies that made possible the development of distributed applications. The applications developed for fixed or mobile devices situated in a ubiquitous distributed system use object oriented technologies. An important characteristic of applications developed for mobile devices is that these applications run within an information context. The use of context information in applications implies collecting and using context information related to physical and runtime environment and also user profile, so that the applications can ajust their functionality according to this information. The field of research studied in this thesis is the use of object oriented technologies in the design and development of a support platform for context aware applications that run in a ubiquitous distributed system. The main contribution of this thesis is the development of an original platform for the development of context aware applications. This platform is structured as a middleware layer. This platform addresses the problems related to the gathering, the management of this context information and also its use inside applications. The thesis also presents an original formal model that examines the usage of the middleware layer in the development of context aware applications, based on flexibility, scalability and performance. This model addresses considerations related to the quality of context information, quality of services and the manner in which the specific components of a context aware application interact. The support offered to context aware applications was tested and validated using a set of applications development in the project MobileGuide, applications that offers to the mobile users a tourist guide service.

Keyword(s): Sistem de operare distribuită -- Teză de doctorat
Note: Cristea, Valentin

OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Notice créée le 2010-12-07, modifiée le 2011-11-11

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