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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2010-048

Obţinerea unor nanocompozite pe bază de poliacetat de vinil din dispersii apoase

Corobea, Mihai Cosmin (UPB)

Abstract: Polyvinylacetate – layered silicates nanocomposites were obtained from water dispersions. The hybrids were obtained both in latex state and solid state. The influence of the stabilization systems (alkyl sulfate, etoxylated nonyl phenol, polyvinylalchool, polyvinylpyrrolidone, reactive surfactant - ammonium sulphatoethyl methacrylate) and layered silicates loads on polymerization process (instantaneous monomer conversions and reaction rates, average dimensions of particles, etc.), structure, thermal stability and morphology. Another direction was followed in order to achieve intercalated and exfoliated layered silicate structures. By using polyvinylalchool or polyvinylpyrrolidone exfoliated nanocomposites can be achieved. For the rest of the stabilizers the exfoliation of the layered silicates could be done by using a reactive surfactant. Stable hybrid latexes were achieved both by emulsion and miniemulsion polymerization systems. The presence of layered silicates generally does not affect by major changes the monomer conversions, even if the reaction rates are influenced by the inorganic partner weight loads. Several specific analyses such as: DLS, XRD, TGA, DTG, DSC, FTIR, SEM, AFM, TEM, HRTEM, were used in this study in order to investigate, the interactions between components and the hybrid latexes or nanocomposites characteristics. The final materials could present a lot of applications if we consider the additive effect of layered silicates dispersed at nanometric scale in polymer matrixes. Since the Polyvinylacetate – layered silicates nanocomposites are new materials until now in what involves the investigation of both properties and synthesis, on the end of the study two directions were followed in order to obtain a new nanocomposite material for membrane colloidal ultrafiltration and a new biomaterial.

Keyword(s): Materiale compozite polimerice -- Nanostructură -- Ştiinţa materialelor -- Teză de doctorat ; Nanostructură -- Polimeri -- Teză de doctorat
Note: Gheorghe Hubca

OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2010-12-08, last modified 2011-11-11

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