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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2010-092

Conducerea operativă a reţelelor electrice de distribuţie în regim normal şi post-avarie

Bogoi, Cristian (UPB)

Abstract: Nowadays, the distribution electrical networks are paid more and more attention due to customers’ exigencies referring to the quality of the energy service provided by the distributor. This thesis addresses some state-of-the-art methods and technologies, such as EMS/SCADA architectures, protocols, typical deployments, and security vulnerability, meant to ensure the reliable and efficient operation of power distribution networks. Implementation of the fuzzy models into the power flow algorithms complies with uncertainty models used into the input data and is intended to capitalize the experience of dispatching specialists who work with inexact data. The thesis is essentially focused on the power flow calculation by using fuzzy models for the distribution networks including their distributed generation and optimization. All the aforementioned topics are exposing in a tutorial way, meant to illustrate how the algorithms operate, why they converge, the difficulties that may be encountered and their possible remedies as well. In a nut’s shell, from the electrical engineering point of view, the application of the fuzzy sets methods complementary to the algorithmic ones that are currently used will highly enhance the efficiency and reliability of the distribution networks operation.

Keyword(s): Reţea de distribuţie -- Inginerie electrică -- Teză de doctorat ; Optimizare -- Modele matematice Reţele electrice -- Teză de doctora
Note: Eremia, Mircea

OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2010-12-09, last modified 2011-11-11

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