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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2010-104

Materiale magnetice moi compozite

Enescu, Elena (UPB)

Abstract: The steel laminations are traditionally soft magnetic materials used in AC applications. Most of the magnetic structures of existent electrical machines and motors with AC excitations, were optimized in the last century for 2D magnetic flux circulations. In the last years, research and development of composite materials from organic/inorganic insulated iron powders, opened new opportunities for design and dimensioning of magnetic circuits, from electrical devices of 3D magnetic flux circulation concept. The use of materials for electromagnetic circuits in alternating current, requires from them high inductions and low dynamic (eddy-current) losses. These are strongly influenced by the work frequency and induction, and also by the magnitude of density and electrical resistivity of materials. This paper, conformelly with this field of research, will present the influence of processing conditions (grain size and shape of iron particles, content and type of insulating layer, compacting and heat treatment conditions) on the main physical and functional characteristics of powder systems and compacts, processed by powder metallurgy technics, used in nonconventional soft magnetic circuits. Thus, for applications in principal and supplimenary magnetic cores, the composite materials with 0,5-80%Fe were studied. For insulation of iron particles, organic (polyethilena, polipropilen, epoxy resine) and inorganic (phosphate) polymers were used. Composite ranforcing, for supplimentar magnetic circuits, was made with 5-10% glass fibers.

Keyword(s): Materiale compozite -- Teză de doctorat ; Materiale magnetice -- Ştiinţa materialelor -- Teză de doctorat
Note: Gavrila, Horia

OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2010-12-15, last modified 2011-11-11

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