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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2016-288

Contribuţii la dezvoltarea sistemelor de inspecţie vizuală automată şi comandă a mişcării roboţilor prin reacţie de trăsături extrase din imagini

Anton, Florin Daniel

Abstract: Abstract After a slow beginning, machine vision systems are now finding widespread use in industry. When determining the need for and the implementation of a machine vision system, there are many important factors to consider. To take full advantage of these systems, and efficiently integrate them into manufacturing structures, it is best to take some time to learn the basics about what makes up a vision system, how it is implemented, and the importance of proper planning. Industrial applications of machine vision systems can be divided into two main areas: Automated Visual Inspection (AVI) and Robot Vision (RV). The subject of this PhD thesis has a great importance and is oriented to the development of new methods and algorithms for image features extraction by grey level image processing contributing to the development of the Automated Visual Inspection and Robot Vision Guidance. The author field of interest is the features based visual control of robot systems equipped with artificial vision, using advanced techniques and software instruments, which has directed the research presented in this thesis. The field of applicability of such solution include not only the field of industrial robots but also fields such as visual inspection quality control systems. This thesis was developed by following three main objectives. First of all is the technical underline of what means IMAGE PROCESSING in artificial vision systems connected to industrial robots and here I refer to image acquisition and basic processing and also to the image preparation in order to extract feature type information’s. The second major objective is the problematic of IMAGE FEATURES EXTRACTION where algorithms and techniques for object recognition based on image features have been developed and presented. Thereby we will find in this thesis approaches of those concepts especially for robot systems but that can be extended to quality control systems. The third objective was the study of GUIDANCE AND DIAGNOSIS for industrial robots equipped with artificial vision, integrated in flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) located in different geographical locations. It was approached not only the remote control problem but also the automatic treatment of events produced in FMS and captured by robots. From the practical point of view, the thesis is materialized in a number of methods and algorithms for image processing (features extraction and object recognition) for robot vision guidance implemented into a set of software modules which together allow remote robot control and diagnosis.

Keyword(s): Roboţi industriali -- Teză de doctorat ; Prelucrarea imaginii -- Tehnici digitale -- Teză de doctorat ; Inspecţie vizuală automată -- Sisteme -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Notice créée le 2016-06-24, modifiée le 2016-06-24

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