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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2016-337

Studii si cercetări privind recuperarea metalelor rare si nobile din deseuri

Onose, Carmen Suzana

Abstract: Studies and research regarding the rare and noble metals recovery from waste Author: Dpl.Eng. Carmen-Suzana Onose Scientific Coordinator: Prof. PhD. Eng. Ionel Constantinescu Abstract The aim of this study is the diminution of the hard metals pollution by recovery cleaning. From this materials class, the author is targeted the study onto rare and noble metals, because of their big values, witch enable the covering of recovery price. The study is targeted onto 4 metals: Au, Ag, In and Ga. At the beginning, a presentation of properties, obtaining methods and the sources of Au, Ag, In and Ga containing waste is made. The author realize a Life Cycle Assessment concerning the contact alloys industry and for the photosensitive materials industry, with the purpose to bring the efficiency, the opportunity and the optimal step for to take the waste for recovery. Was made study regarding the specific recovery and purify methods for Au, Ag, In and Ga, from different waste types, and the technological and economical efficiency of their recovery was made. A mathematical modeling of Ag extraction process from pour waste was made. On this base, an optimal technology was project for Ag recovery from contact alloys waste, cinder, films waste, development and fixing photographic solutions etc

Keyword(s): Aur -- Recuperare -- Deşeuri -- Teză de doctorat ; Argint -- Recuperare -- Deşeuri -- Teză de doctorat ; Indiu -- Recuperare -- Deşeuri -- Teză de doctorat ; Galiu -- Recuperare -- Deşeuri -- Teză de doctorat ; Deşeuri industriale -- Epurare -- Metale rare -- Metale nobile -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Notice créée le 2016-07-11, modifiée le 2016-07-11

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