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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2017-1070

Hibride polimerice obţinute prin polimerizarea monomerilor vinilici în structuri anorganice

Radu, Anita-Laura

Abstract: Abstract This thesis aims mainly to achieve inorganic-organic nanocomposite materials synthesised by the polymerization of vinyl monomers in porous inorganic structures, precursor for the obtaining of a structural ceramic. This paper provides to obtain a high performance material, silicon nitride/carbide, by high exploitation of poorly used mineral resources, as serpentine reserves which prevent the greening of Iron Gate Park. The objectives underlined in this thesis are: the characterization of indigenous raw material and the obtaining of mesoporous silica by hydrothermal method consisting of physical or chemical treatment of serpentinite; the synthesis of special polymer nanocomposites from two different vinyl monomers (acrylonitrile and vinyl acetate) and three types of inorganic compounds (porous silica obtained previously, natural and synthetic zeolite); the carbochain polymer processing in carbon from inorganic-organic hybrid nanocomposite and polymer graphitization by cyclization; silica and carbon nanocomposite conversion in silicon nitride/carbide by heating of intimate mixture of carbon and silica under nitrogen or NH3 atmosphere at temperatures of 1300-1400 °C in order to obtain silicon nitride (reduction-nitridation). In addition, the presence of polymer in silica pores had to stabilize the silica structure to high temperatures, which favoured the obtaining of a high quality silicon nitride/carbide for advanced ceramic composites.The thesis aimed to study the properties intercalation of inorganic hosts, the chemistry of guest polymer obtaining and the unique properties of resulting hybrid nanocomposites. The novelty and originality of this thesis consists of the new synthesis method of the ceramic powders from inorganic-organic polymer nanocomposites as a source of carbon and silica.

Keyword(s): Chimia materialelor -- Teză de doctorat ; Nanochimie -- Teză de doctorat ; Materiale hibride organic-anorganice -- Teză de doctorat ; Compozite -- Nanoparticule -- Teză de doctorat ; Polimeri anorganici -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2017-03-09, last modified 2017-03-09

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