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Thesis / ROMDOC-THESIS-2016-267

Curgerea lichidelor vâscoase sub acţiunea forţelor de aderenţă moleculară

Boiangiu, Iuliana Monica

Abstract: CURGEREA LICHIDELOR VÂSCOASE SUB ACTIUNEA FORTELOR DE ADERENTA MOLECULARA - Ing. mast. Iuliana Monica BOIANGIU Rezumat. Se cerceteaza din punct de vedere teoretic si experimental curgerea permanenta si tridimensionala a unui lichid greu si vâscos sub actiunea fortelor centrifuge si de atractie moleculara, exercitate de conul rotitor al unui contactor bifazic brevetat de o deosebita eficienta, tinând seama atât de fortele de adeziune dintre lichid si con, cât si de cele de coeziune dintre lichid si lichid. Completând sistemul de ecuatii ale lui Navier si Stokes, scris în coordonate cilindrice, cu expresiile fortelor de atractie moleculara, prin schimbarea triedrului de coordonate printr-o translatie si rotatie a axelor se obtine noul sistem de ecuatii cu derivate partiale, corespunzator curgerii aderente de generatoarea conului. Se obtine solutionarea numerica a sistemului de ecuatii neliniare cu derivate partiale în conditiile la limite specifice cazului studiat, în cazul unei retele cu un pas constant si unul variabil, aratându-se si conditiile de stabilitate pentru functia liniilor de curent, cât si a componentei vitezei de rotatie a lichidului. În acest scop s-a întocmit un program de calcul original, care permite vizualizarea reprezentarilor grafice ale variatiilor diferitelor marimi fizice, precum: liniile de curent ale miscarii, repartitia componentei de rotatie a vitezei lichidului si distributia de presiuni în pelicula de lichid aderenta generatoarei conului. Pe instalatia experimentala special construita si dotata cu aparate adecvate de masurare a marimii picaturilor si a turatiei si imersiunii conului, s-a pus în evidenta dependenta marimii picaturilor generate în functie de imersiunea, turatia, unghiul la vârf si influenta materialului conului. VISCOUS LIQUID FLOW UNDER THE ACTION OF THE MOLECULAR ADHERENCE FORCES - Eng. MSc. Iuliana Monica BOIANGIU Abstract. One researches of theoretical and experimental point of view the steady and threedimensional flow of a heavy and viscous liquid under the action of centrifugal and molecular attraction forces, exerted by the rotating cone of a patented biphasic contactor of a special efficiency, taking into consideration the adhesion forces between liquid and cone, as well as the cohesion forces between liquid and liquid. Completing the Navier - Stokes’ equation system, written in cylindrical coordinates, with the expressions of molecular attraction forces, by changing of the coordinate trihedron through an axis translation and rotation one obtain the new equation system with partial differentials, corresponded to the adherent flow of cone generatrix. One obtains the numerical solution of the non-linear equation system with partial differentials in the boundary conditions proper to the studied problem, in the case of a network with one constant step and the other variable, studying also the stability conditions for the streamline function as well as the rotational component of the liquid velocity. In this aim one elaborates an original calculus programme, which permit to see the graphic representation of the variation of different physical magnitudes, as: the flow streamlines, the repartitions of the liquid rotational velocity and pressure distributions in the liquid film adherent to the cone generatrix. On the special constructed experimental installation, endowed with adequate apparatus to measuring of the bubble sizes and of cone number of rotations and immersion, one put into the evidence the dependence of the generated bubble size as function of the cone immersion, its number of rotations per minute and peak angle, as well as the influence of its material.

Keyword(s): Hidrodinamică -- Lichide vâscoase -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files

Record created 2016-06-21, last modified 2016-06-21

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