/ | ROMDOC-THESIS-2016-419 |
Contribuţii la controlul reţelelor electrice de joasă tensiune cu producere distribuită din surse de energie regenerabilă cu ajutorul regulatoarelor fuzzy
Dragomir, Florin Ghe.
Abstract: Title: Contribution to low voltage electrical networks with distributed renewable energy generation control (PDRES) using fuzzy controllers Abstract: The rational management of the electrical energy imposes maintaining the balance on each line of the network (generated power equal to consumed power). The major problem of the modern distributed power generation in the low voltage electrical networks consists in ensuring the network stability. The differences from this ideal case, the over or under production of energy disturb the stability of the energetic distributed system and can be attenuated, in our opinion, by the use of an intelligent control system. Thereby, the main goal of this thesis is to propose a tool, based on fuzzy logic, capable to ensure to the networks with distributed renewable energy generation, a high performance in functioning, in concordance with the latest demands of performance strategies. In that objective, the author’s contribution is composed of four complementary aspects: - A first set of works deals with low voltage electrical networks. Different topologies are presented and the classical structure of a distributed power system is reconfigured due to renewable energy sources implementation. A new architecture of a “green power” system is proposed and argued through modeling and simulation tests. - Then, the work is focused on the specification of a solution to the low efficiency of the energy transfer between the storage unit and photovoltaic modules integrated in PD- RES, dues to the appearance of the hydrogenating phenomena. More precisely, developments aim at proposing/ implementing a fuzzy controller that allows satisfying the demands for an increasing value of the energy available to users of the power system. - Commercial success depends on the ability to "anticipate" the energy market evolution and to submit competitive predictions relative to energy balance trends. In this acceptation, a neural network tool is proposed, illustrated and discussed in order to predict the evolution of DPcg (difference between the electricity produced and consumed) on short time horizon. - The core of work is focused on a fuzzy approach of networks modeling and control. A fuzzy controller is developed in order to allow the implementation of different energy sources in a distributed energy systems and to ensure a better stability and configurability of the distributed power networks. The research issues arising for modeling, analysis, condition monitoring and control will be validate on the low voltage electrical network with distributed power generation from renewable energy resources from UVT- DCEM.
Keyword(s): Reţele electrice de joasă tensiune -- Regulator Fuzzy -- Teză de doctorat
OPAC: See record in BC-UPB Web OPAC
Full Text: see files
Record created 2016-09-20, last modified 2016-09-20
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